Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who does this?

The other night, I went to explore around Santa Monica with my cousins. We started on the 3rd Street Promenade and eventually moved out toward the pier/beach. Of course, me being me, I didn't want to carry a big jacket. So I left it at home. When one of my cousins suggested we just keep walking around and see what we can get into, I was ready until I noticed how close we would be to the beach. We went to the car where my other cousin had a jacket for herself. And I.....Well.... I ended up like this:

Not bad, I know. Nice big scarf to save my neck. BUT this scarf  isn't a scarf at all. It's actually...

a BED SHEET. Yes that's right , a bed sheet. That was all my cousin had in the car and I just said... "Give it here" and it just went from there. It actually came in handy though I must admit. It started bundled around my neck (like the photo below). Once we were at the pier I just opened it and covered my arms. Eventually, I tied it around my neck (first photo above). I enjoyed it, even thought about taking it for a little. 

Moral of the post: Use what you have to make it all work. 

On that note, I'm out. Peace & Style.

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